Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt


The original 2020 WordServe Kids Easter Egg Hunt is canceled. However, we will have a Modified Hunt! Click here to download our Modified Easter Egg Hunt print out and instructions! 



WordServe Kids Easter Egg Hunt (Canceled)
Come out to the park on April 5 from 12-2 p.m. for the WordServe Kids Easter Egg Hunt! The hunt will be held at Jones Creek Ranch Park (7714 FM 359 Rd in Richmond). If you plan to attend, please bring a dozen plastic eggs filled with nut-free treats. Bring a lunch for the whole family and participate in activities for all ages! 

Hunt Times by Age:
Below Kinder: 12:15
K-2nd grade: 12:30
3rd-5th grade: 12:45
(times are approximate) 

Want to help?
Please email Barbara Penninton, bpennington@wordserve.org