Christmas Eve Service
Series: Great Expectations Topic: Biblical Scripture: Luke 1:46–55
Christmas Eve asks the question, "What are our expectations of God?" and gives us the opportunity to re-examine and re-commit our lives to the relationship God intends for us: a relationship that gives life to God's creative work in us. [What could God accomplish if we aligned our expectations with God's expectations? What if the best gift we gave this Christmas was our whole hearts to God? What might the world around us look like?]
other sermons in this series
Dec 24
Expecting Peace
Preacher: Bill Hogan Scripture: John 14:27 Series: Great Expectations
Dec 22
Expecting Easy
Preacher: Bill Hogan Scripture: John 16:31–35 Series: Great Expectations
Dec 15
Expecting God
Preacher: Bill Hogan Scripture: Amos 7:7–11, 2 Peter 3:3–14 Series: Great Expectations