
Worship on Sunday Morning

Worship is our personal and corporate response to God, in spirit and in truth, for who he is and what he has done. This response can be expressed by what we say, what we sing, and the way we live. Our Worship Team Ministry includes singing and instrumental music, as well as the use of various media to convey our message of praise. We believe that singing praise to God is not just a helpful suggestion, but a command to all (Psalm 66:1-2) and is a powerful way for us to respond to our God and King.

We believe God considers music very highly in the celebration of Himself (I Chron 15:16-16:36; Eph 5:19-20). At WordServe, we want to be passionate about "making melody to the Lord" with all of our heart. We feel it’s important understand that musicians and singers are ministers called to produce praise, make melody, and give thanks to our great God. This calling is for his glory, not for our entertainment (I Chron 16:4-6).

The message in our music is extremely important to us. Whether it’s loud or soft, fast or slow, new/contemporary or old/traditional, full band or "unplugged"--all that matters little in comparison to the message of the songs. It is important to us that the songs accurately reflect the Word of God. Though we believe our enjoyment of God brings Him glory, praise is not ultimately about what WE want, need, or prefer. We don't worship to raise money, attract crowds, or improve the general church morale. Worship is all about God!

If you are interested in serving in our Worship and Arts Ministry, or if you know someone who might be interested, please contact Clayton at cwakefield@wordserve.org for more details.