The Heart of Happiness
Series: The Happiness Project Topic: Biblical Scripture: Matthew 5:8
The Bible says that the way to a real and full relationship with God is by having a "pure heart." Yet all around us, the world and the church keep focusing on our outward behaviors and our own attempts to make ourselves better and whole. Outward actions and behaviors by themselves will never make us whole, but if we'll focus on the heart, we'll see God and find complete relationship with him.
other sermons in this series
Oct 12
The Clear Sign of Happiness
Scripture: Matthew 5:10–5:12 Series: The Happiness Project
Oct 5
The Hard Work of Happiness
Scripture: Matthew 5:9–5:9 Series: The Happiness Project
Sep 21
The Mercy Movement
Preacher: Bill Hogan Scripture: Matthew 5:7 Series: The Happiness Project