The Absolute First Step
Series: The Happiness Project Topic: Biblical Scripture: Matthew 5:3–5:3
Our culture is obssessed with happiness; it is the core reason we do many of the things we do. In an effort to help people find a lasting, soul-level happiness, Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount with eight guidelines about true happiness. The first is that the only way to have lasting, soul-level happiness is through dependence on God. Recognizing our need for God is the absolute first step to real happiness.
other sermons in this series
Oct 12
The Clear Sign of Happiness
Scripture: Matthew 5:10–5:12 Series: The Happiness Project
Oct 5
The Hard Work of Happiness
Scripture: Matthew 5:9–5:9 Series: The Happiness Project
Sep 28
The Heart of Happiness
Scripture: Matthew 5:8 Series: The Happiness Project