Joy Comes in the Yearning
Series: The Happiness Project Topic: Biblical Scripture: Matthew 5:6
The world we live in offers more choices and options than ever before. Yet, even with all the choices and options before us, we still cannot manage to find lasting satisfaction and contentment on our own. It isn't that we are empty; rather, we are just filling ourselves with unsatisfiable options. Jesus says that we will find true, soul-level happiness and be filled to satisfaction when we hunger and thirst for righteousness.
other sermons in this series
Oct 12
The Clear Sign of Happiness
Scripture: Matthew 5:10–5:12 Series: The Happiness Project
Oct 5
The Hard Work of Happiness
Scripture: Matthew 5:9–5:9 Series: The Happiness Project
Sep 28
The Heart of Happiness
Scripture: Matthew 5:8 Series: The Happiness Project